16 Perangkat Lunak Manajemen Kasus Untuk Dipertimbangkan
Firma hukum mungkin menggunakan perangkat lunak manajemen kasus hukum untuk mencatat dan mengatur detail yang terkait dengan setiap kasus mereka. Program-program ini mencakup beberapa fitur yang meningkatkan efisiensi perusahaan dalam mengawasi klien. Jika Anda berada di bidang manajemen kasus atau bekerja di firma hukum, maka mungkin bermanfaat bagi Anda untuk mempelajari tentang berbagai platform manajemen kasus. Pada artikel ini, kami membahas perangkat lunak manajemen kasus dengan menjelaskan apa itu dan mencantumkan fitur-fitur utamanya, bersama dengan menyediakan 16 program yang dapat Anda pertimbangkan untuk digunakan.
Apa itu perangkat lunak manajemen kasus hukum?
Perangkat lunak manajemen kasus hukum adalah program yang memungkinkan firma hukum untuk mengatur informasi apa pun mengenai kasus mereka. Misalnya, perangkat lunak manajemen kasus membantu perusahaan melacak tugas harian, informasi kontak klien, dan penagihan. Ini juga memungkinkan mereka berkomunikasi dengan klien dan menggabungkan informasi kasus. Platform ini dapat meningkatkan produktivitas dan organisasi firma hukum. Mereka juga berharga untuk mengurangi kesalahan, seperti tenggat waktu yang hilang.
Terkait: Apa Itu Proses Manajemen Kasus? Definisi dan Manfaat
Fitur utama dari perangkat lunak manajemen kasus
Berikut adalah beberapa fitur utama dari perangkat lunak manajemen kasus:
Manajemen kontak: Ini mengacu pada penyimpanan dan pengorganisasian informasi kontak sehingga mudah untuk berkomunikasi dengan klien. Perangkat lunak manajemen kasus biasanya mencakup fitur yang memungkinkan firma hukum melacak nomor telepon dan alamat email klien.
Perangkat lunak kalender: Sebagian besar perangkat lunak manajemen kasus memiliki program kalender, yang membantu perusahaan mengawasi tanggal dan tenggat waktu penting. Fungsi ini juga membantu perusahaan mengoordinasikan tugas dan rapat mereka, yang sangat berharga untuk tetap teratur.
Perakitan dokumen: Ini adalah kemampuan perangkat lunak untuk menghasilkan dokumen hukum bagi firma hukum untuk mengurangi kesalahan dan waktu yang dihabiskan untuk membuat dokumen. Biasanya, perakitan dokumen mengotomatiskan pembuatan dokumen setelah informasi klien tersedia.
Terkait: Apa Itu Model Manajemen Kasus? (Plus Tips Memilih Satu)
16 perangkat lunak manajemen kasus
Berikut adalah daftar 16 perangkat lunak manajemen kasus yang dapat Anda pertimbangkan:
1. Klo
Clio adalah perangkat lunak manajemen kasus berbasis web yang berfokus pada perubahan pengalaman hukum untuk firma hukum dan klien. Program ini berpusat pada klien dan menawarkan fitur, seperti manajemen dokumen, tagihan elektronik, dan otomatisasi tugas berulang. Pengguna dapat mengakses Clio di berbagai perangkat, seperti komputer, tablet, dan ponsel.
2. Trialworks
Trialworks is a case management platform that helps law firms and government agencies organize and track their case data. This software provides users with document management, calendar programs and expense tracking. It also includes a messaging feature to contact clients and reporting capabilities to track case performance.
3. MyCase
MyCase offers small legal firms several case management functions to help organize their cases and clients. This program has case status reports, calendering, document management and workflow automation. MyCase allows users to collaborate on documents and track time and billing. Some of its other functions include task management, reminders, case notes and trust accounting.
4. Smokeball
Smokeball is a program that centralizes case management features for users, allowing them to search for case information easily. This software helps companies manage their workflow with reporting tools, automatic time tracking and customizable work flows. Smokeball also has a legal form library, electronic signatures and email management capabilities.
Related: How To Become a Case Manager in 6 Steps
5. CASEpeer
CASEpeer is a case management software aimed towards firms that focus on personal injury law. This application helps firms track personal injury cases through task, calendar and document management. CASEpeer has many features, such as medical treatment tracking, client correspondence and app integrations.
6. PracticePanther
PracticePanther provides users with case management capabilities, including contact organization, workflow management and cloud storage. This software has time and expense tracking, trust accounting and automated client reminders. PracticePanther allows firms to integrate mobile, calendar and email applications, which is valuable for adding various abilities to the software.
7. PlanStreet
PlanStreet is a program that offers users with case management and project management functions for nonprofit organizations. This platform incorporates dashboards and charts, such as kanban boards and gantt charts, which can help improve a firm's organization and efficiency. PlanStreet also has client data management, case activities and notes and budget management features.
8. CaseFleet
CaseFleet is a cloud-based case management program that allows users to manage tasks and create case timelines. This software has several capabilities, such as document review, case outlines and full-text search. CaseFleet also has filtering, software security and transcript management.
9. Zola Suite
Zola Suite is a legal practice management software that incorporates case management features to help improve companies' workflows. This program includes functions that enhance contact, email and document management. Zola Suite also has trust accounting, calendar software and repetitive task automation.
10. Legal Files
Legal Files offers case and office management capabilities, such as task automation, management dashboards and collaboration tools. This platform provides users with timekeeping, calendars, reminders and file security. Legal Files also allows firms to communicate with clients through email management and phone messaging.
11. CaseFox
CaseFox is a legal billing software that helps users enhance their law practice by organizing case information. This program has a customizable dashboard to fit the needs of each law firm. Some of its features include invoicing and payments, document management and control user access.
12. SmartAdvocate
SmartAdvocate is a legal case management program aimed toward personal injury and mass tort litigation practice. This platform focuses on contact, document and intake management to help firms oversee and organize their cases. SmartAdvocate has texting integrations, automated workflows and reporting functions.
13. Sumac
Sumac is a nonprofit case management software that helps firms track and organize client and case information. Along with case management, this program allows users to manage fundraising and campaigns. Some of Sumac's capabilities are outcome-based reporting, program customization options and client data access.
14. Filevine
Filevine provides users with several case management functions to improve their organization and productivity. This application incorporates case, work, process and client management capabilities. Filevine includes cloud-based storage, app integrations, custom reports and calendar software.
Related: What Does a Case Manager Do? (Plus 15 Types of Jobs)
15. CosmoLex
CosmoLex is a legal practice management program that provides services for small to large law firms. This software offers legal billing, timekeeping, legal accounting and document management functions. CosmoLex also has mobile options, dashboard management and legal calendars.
16. Materi Roket
Rocket Matter adalah program perangkat lunak manajemen kasus yang membantu firma hukum meningkatkan layanan klien mereka. Ini adalah aplikasi berbasis cloud yang menawarkan layanan untuk praktik solo, perusahaan kecil dan menengah hingga besar. Beberapa kemampuan yang dimiliki Rocket Matter mencakup penagihan legal, manajemen kalender, dan integrasi aplikasi.
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